Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Featured Blog - A Quiet Week

Just a quick update today guys, a great blog I've found!

A Quiet Week is a a blog run by a woman called Lori, who was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome a few years ago. Her Dad was also diagnosed, and her son was diagnosed with autism. Her blog aims to share her wisdom, experiences and humour, and there are plenty of all three! Lori shares many of my views on both the positive and negative points of the autism spectrum, though it seems we both seem to whole heartedly step up to the challenges, and roll with the good times.

I'd like to point out one post in particular, How To Be Friends With An Aspie, as an example of just how positive things can be, and to show her great humour and insights. Everything about it is just great. And the main message of it too, is something I'd like to talk about, probably more another day. Friendship really is that important to us. I might not express it the same way as everyone else, I might seem to misunderstand, or put a foot in the wrong place, but it's always my aim to make people happy, and to fully appreciate the wonder that is the people and friends I have around me.

Lori's blog now has a permanent little spot on my Useful Links page, so please, go and check it out.


PS, I think it's time for another Thoughtsplat soon, seems like a good idea


  1. Chris,
    Thank you very much for visiting me and sharing me with your readers! Meeting fellow Aspies is always a joy, especially in such positive and cheery environs! I look forward to getting to know you better and read you blog!

    Happy blogging!
    Lori D

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment! I have your blog bookmarked now, I've become a regular reader, and I like browsing through the archives. I'm not very old (only 17!) but I've had my diagnosis for ten years so I've spent a hell of a lot of time getting to grips with it. I really identify with a lot of the things you say. I guarantee though, I'm not always this positive :P
