Autistic Self Advocacy Network
This is one of the best organisations I know that promotes awareness, understanding and acceptance of autism. ASAN is run by autistic people, and so is the best placed organisation to really help the world understand autism. It aims to advance the principles of the disability rights movement, and to allow autistic individuals to have their voices heard. They're a great organisation, and one I heartily recommend looking at and is a great support site for those with Asperger's, autism, or any other mental disorder really. Even NTs are welcome on this site. It was set up by Alex Plank, a young man with Asperger's, as a forum to meet like minded people, and has since grown to have over 75,000 members.A Quiet Week
A Quiet Week is a great blog I've only just found, with some great insights on living with Asperger's Syndrome. The author, Lori, is funny, vibrant, intelligent, and all sorts of other positive things! She shares a lot of my views on both the positives and negatives of Asperger's and autism, though she puts it a little more poetically than I do.My Aspergers Child
My Aspergers Child is a help and support site run by Mark Hutten for parents of children with Asperger's Syndrome and High Functioning Autism. It has some really good articles filled with advice on how to support your child and make both their and your lives easier. It also has information on support groups and where to find them.I Have Asperger's
This is a great blog run by a girl with Asperger's Syndrome (and as she puts it, 'a bunch of other messy diagnoses'). It follows her own thoughts and experiences, much like my blog, but can apply to a lot of others with AS too. I for one can relate to a lot of her experiences.Adventures In Asperger's
Another great blog, this time run by a parent of three children, one of whom has Asperger's. It chronicles their lives, juggling parenthood with jobs and the joys of a child with AS. It's actually a really good read, and I couldn't help but smile at the way they're handling things.
Hopefully I'll put some more links soon, so keep checking here and on the links bar down the side. (over there --->)
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